Myofascial Pain Relief Tips

Although many of us live with minor aches and pains in our day-to-day lives, myofascial pain sufferers experience a pain far worse.

 Myofascical pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder with pain that progressively persists and worsens over time.

Pain relief tips

Common symptoms of myofascial pain sufferers include deep, aching muscle pain; worsening pain; tender knots in a muscle; and difficulty sleeping. Because of those pain points, those with myofascial pain are constantly looking for relief in the form of activities, heat, lifestyle changes, and trigger point injections.


Physical activity is a great way to alleviate myofascial pain. Here are a few of the options:

  • Water exercises are great for chronic pain sufferers because of the low impact and mild resistance.
  • Stretching, including yoga, helps to strengthen exhausted muscle groups. When a patient feels pain in one muscle, it’s not always that muscle that’s the root of the problem. Strengthening the muscle groups causing the problem will alleviate the pain in the affected area.
  • Practicing proper posture can help alleviate pain. Create an ergonomic work station to prevent future pain, particularly in the neck.
  • Foam roller exercises are easy and effective for patients by loosening stiffness and stretching muscle groups.


Using heat packs or soaks for trigger point pains can increase a patient’s relaxation and reduce the tenseness in their muscles. Don’t overdo the heat applications, and let the affected area return to normal temperature and color before applying heat again.

Lifestyle changes

  • Because myofascial pain syndrome is tied to repetitious movements, take notes of motions or movements that increase pain in the trigger points and avoid or limit those motions or movements.
  • Whether you enjoy reading on your patio or getting a massage, take time to decompress and go to your “happy place” to increase relaxation and decrease stress levels.
  • It’s important to have a proper night’s rest, but because myofascial pain causes sufferers difficulty sleeping, this can be a daunting task. A few things patients can do are to choose the proper pillow, mattress, and utilize proper sleep postures.
  • We all know that our diet plays a key role in our health, but it’s easy to overlook. Stay away from inflammatory foods, such as sugar; dairy; alcohol; refined carbohydrates or grains; factory-farmed meat and poultry; and trans fats, processed vegetable oils, damaged fats. It’s best to consume anti-inflammatory foods to keep you and your body feeling good and to reduce unnecessary pain.

Trigger point injections

A common pain relief treatment is trigger point injections into the muscles causing patient pain. These have been known to alleviate pain from a few days to many months.

Myofascial pain syndrome doesn’t have to consume a patient’s life. By learning more about the syndrome and what pain relief options are available, patients can be on the road to a life with less pain.

To learn more about treating your myofascial pain and how our team at Oklahoma Pain Management can help, contact us today.